Friday 18 October 2013

13 May Effects

     At the moment when the incident happen, the police and the army were at the Odeon cinema. The official number stated that 196 were dead, 439 injured and 39 loss. 211 vehicles were damaged in the incident. A pHD thesis from California University stated, Berkeley estimated about 2000 lives were loss uring the incident.
However, some people say that the statistic is not really accurate as they witness the incident lively, there were more than that because there were lorries that brought incomplete corpse to several police station in Kuala Lumpur.

     At the same time, the Prime Minister at the moment, Tunku Abdul Rahman was from Kedah, also celebrating his election. Some people say that he was playing mahjung, but then he denied in the interview done after that.

The announcement made through the television and radio by the Prime Minister,

 “Sekarang kita telah pun mengisytiharkan darurat kerana memerlukan kita bertindak dengan serta-merta; jika tidak maka keadaan ini tentulah akan menjadi bertambah buruk dan tidak akan dapat dikawal lagi dan kita akan menghadapi dengan satu keadaan darurat sebagaimana yang dihadapi oleh British dalam tahun 1948. Ancaman yang kita hadapi sekarang sangatlah genting dan berat dan kita tidak akan ada jalan lain lagi melainkan bertindak dengan segera. Cuma ada satu jalan sahaja yang boleh kita lakukan iaitu mengisytiharkan keadaan darurat dan mengambil segala langkah-langkah yang perlu bagi mencegah keadaan ini daripada bertambah buruk.” 

     After the announcement of darurat, MAGERAN (Majlis Gerakan Negara) was establish by Tun Abdul Razak. The country was operated by the collaboration of army, police and politician. 

      While for the long term effect, the rural area was developed and the level of poverty decreased with Amanah Saham Berhad and Bumiputera Bank was introduced. Besides that, educational institution such as International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Malaysia National University (UKM) was established to generate educated and professional citizen in the country.

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