Sunday 20 October 2013

The Lesson Learnt Or...

        This 13 May incident was not only stated as historical moment, it also needed to be remembered by all Malaysian to be united and  live in harmony. There will be no riot as 13 May incident if we want to. One of the lesson that we all Malaysian can get is the loss of lots of lives and properties. This kind of incident had caused bitter experience to those who loss their relatives and families.

          Besides that, the government also has to announce 'darurat' or Perintah Berkurung because of the riots. This was to ensure the safety of the citizen in order to reach its stability back. Just imagine, if we were in that kind of situation, this would make things difficult as our daily routine is abnormal without communicating with others harmoniously.

        In addition, this incident would happen again if we still don't have awareness about sensitive issues such as National Language, Malay's special rights and so on. Thus, we have to respect what's in the rules and many others. In short, the responsibility of the peaceful country is in the Malaysians ourselves.

Friday 18 October 2013

13 May Effects

     At the moment when the incident happen, the police and the army were at the Odeon cinema. The official number stated that 196 were dead, 439 injured and 39 loss. 211 vehicles were damaged in the incident. A pHD thesis from California University stated, Berkeley estimated about 2000 lives were loss uring the incident.
However, some people say that the statistic is not really accurate as they witness the incident lively, there were more than that because there were lorries that brought incomplete corpse to several police station in Kuala Lumpur.

     At the same time, the Prime Minister at the moment, Tunku Abdul Rahman was from Kedah, also celebrating his election. Some people say that he was playing mahjung, but then he denied in the interview done after that.

The announcement made through the television and radio by the Prime Minister,

 “Sekarang kita telah pun mengisytiharkan darurat kerana memerlukan kita bertindak dengan serta-merta; jika tidak maka keadaan ini tentulah akan menjadi bertambah buruk dan tidak akan dapat dikawal lagi dan kita akan menghadapi dengan satu keadaan darurat sebagaimana yang dihadapi oleh British dalam tahun 1948. Ancaman yang kita hadapi sekarang sangatlah genting dan berat dan kita tidak akan ada jalan lain lagi melainkan bertindak dengan segera. Cuma ada satu jalan sahaja yang boleh kita lakukan iaitu mengisytiharkan keadaan darurat dan mengambil segala langkah-langkah yang perlu bagi mencegah keadaan ini daripada bertambah buruk.” 

     After the announcement of darurat, MAGERAN (Majlis Gerakan Negara) was establish by Tun Abdul Razak. The country was operated by the collaboration of army, police and politician. 

      While for the long term effect, the rural area was developed and the level of poverty decreased with Amanah Saham Berhad and Bumiputera Bank was introduced. Besides that, educational institution such as International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Malaysia National University (UKM) was established to generate educated and professional citizen in the country.

How the Incident End?

On 16 May night, the 'darurat' or emergency all over Malaysia was announced by the Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra al-Haj. There were less people wandering outside their house as those killing moment were scary and so unexpected. The parliament was suspended.

The 13 May incident has caused Tunku Abdul Rahman to be accused by Malays and all citizen generally. Tunku then resign from being a Prime Minister in 1970. The situasion is all under controlled after several decision were taken to solve the problem including Dasar Ekonomi Baru, Rukun Negara was established and also several organisation were established such as Majlis Perundingan Negara. Peace was restored in the affected areas within two months. In February 1971 parliamentary rule was re-established which is after Tunku had resign.

“Kekacauan bulan Mei 1969 merupakan satu detik hitam dalam sejarah negara kita tetapi dengan izin Allah s.w.t., kita telah dapat menggubal dasar-dasar dan mengambil tindakan yang tegas dan berkesan untuk menyelamatkan bangsa dan negara kita daripada terjerumus ke dalam gaung yang dalam”
(Allahyarham Tun Abdul Razak)

If all Malaysian are aware of this kind of history, they would not this to be happening again, because there was no riot scarier than this incident in Malaysia. Let's watch this poetic video together..

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Recent news about 13 May..

It has been about  44 years now since the tragedy happened. Do you ever heard about "Tanda Putera" recently? It is a famous Malay film directed by Shuhaimi Baba which the time frame of the film is around the racial tension reaching its peak, May 1969. It claims to be the historical film, but the film is fictional so there are only some of the Tanda Putera content are facts.

In my point of view, the film has its controversial among Malaysians since it is regarding the parties in Malaysia. It didn't get much attention from Malaysian.. maybe this kind of genre is not the trend or favourite of our people. 
How ever, the film is good for  as it will instill not to be racism among us an to live in Malaysia unitedly no matter what races we are.

Tanda Putera, the film that use May 1969 time setting


What Causes The Riot on 13 May 1969?

One of the factors that lead to 13 May incident is the arising of sensitive issue in 1969 election. In the election process, the opposition party especially has arised the sentiment regarding the National language (Bahasa Melayu), the Malay status, the rights of the Malay and non-Malay. this has caused the arising of  suspicion among the races. Besides, the government party has lost the majority about two-third in Dewan Rakyat.

Well, the main reason why 13 May incident happen was actually from the parade held by the opposition party at the moment, Parti Gerakan and Parti Buruh which its supporters support the Communist in Malaysia.

On 9th May 1969, there was a demonstration in Kuala Lumpur by PKM and Parti Buruh that support Communist in Malaysia. The demonstration rule that was supposed not more than hundreds was broken when there were about 10,000 people attended the demo and fly the communist flag as the next day is the result of the election. They also insulted Malay by saying 'matilah Melayu'. Besides, the chinese bring broom to indicate 'sweeping Malay out' of Kuala Lumpur.

In addition, in the Japan colonization, the Malay and Chinese were treated differently as the Chinese were treated worse than Malay. The treats unfairly among them caused the revenge spirit among the Malay and Chinese for quite long time.

On 10th May, Dr Tan Chee Khoon from Parti Gerakan asked permission to make the parade of his winning in Selangor. The parade trek on Jalan Hale and Jalan Campbell to Kampung Baru, where about 30,000 of Malay lived there and felt threaten. Datuk Harun Idris, the Selangor's Menteri Besar also lived there.

On 13 May, Yeoh Tech Chye has apologized for his supporters' rudeness, but it was too late. UMNO supporters also held a parade that also contribute to the big incident.

“In the side streets off Jalan Hale, I could see bands of Malay youths armed withparangs and sharpened bamboo spears assembled in full view of troops posted at road junctions. Meanwhile, at Batu Road, a number of foreign correspondents saw members of the Royal Malay Regiment firing into Chinese shophouses for no apparent reason.”

13 May is the climax of the parade, if it is mention again among Malaysian it would cause fear regarding racism.